• Get a car within 24 hours
  • Get 2000 klm/month for free
  • Add 1 additional driver for free
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Flexibility is only the beginning!
Got Flex Drive? Enjoy these exclusives:
Get a car in 3 simple steps!
Get it now with no deposit, no delays and no hassle.

Choose the car for you, from a great range of models.


Give us your details. Just fill in a short form.


We get in touch. Within 24 hours you have a car. It’s that simple.

  • Fixed monthly rate for as many months as you want
  • Free termination of rental
  • Car changing and buying option
  • Free repairs, insurance and road tax
  • Tyre maintenance and replacement
  • 24-hour roadside assistance and car replacement in case of damage
Just for you
What is Flex Drive?

The most flexible leasing program! Car delivery within 24 hours, no down payment and fixed rent, for as long as you want!

Why choose Flex Drive?

Because Flex Drive is the only program that offers:

  • Pickup of car within 24 hours.
  • Free inspection and car wash once a month in Athens, Thessaloniki and Heraklion, Crete.
  • 4 bonus points for every €1 you spend on your monthly rent, when paying with any bonus cards from Alpha Bank.
  • Redemption miles in Miles+Bonus, the reward program of Aegean and Olympic Air. You earn 3 miles per €1 you spend on your monthly rent.
  • Option to redeem Miles+Bonus miles and pay the monthly rent. You may redeem 200 miles for each €1 of your monthly rent.
What is included in the monthly rate?

All rates include:

  • Free 2000km/month,
  • Free additional driver,
  • Collision Damage Waiver,
  • Theft protection,
  • Car maintenance & repair,
  • Road Tax,
  • 24-hour roadside assistance,
  • Car replacement in case of damage,
How payment for Flex Drive works?

Before the pickup of the vehicle, the first month's rent and an initiation subscription must be paid. The initiation subscription covers 1 monthly rent, it's invoiced on the 1st month, it's non-refundable and varies only during promotional periods.

Is Flex Drive only for professionals or individuals?

Flex Drive can be used from everyone.

Great, I am interested! What do I start a Flex Drive rental?

Choose a car and send your request by email! One of our representatives will contact you immediately.

What happens if I exceed the number of free kilometers?

If the permitted free kilometers are exceeded, then a small, additional financial charge is incurred.

How do I renew my rental?

You rental is renewed automatically every month, after a successful charge of your credit/debit card. The monthly rental payment can also be made via standing bank order.

How do I terminate my rental? Is there a penalty?

You must inform us by email at least 6 days before the end of the current rental month. If there are no damages incurred, there will be no cost for returning the vehicle.

When I must pick up the car?

After signing the contract and paying the subscription and the first rental fee, you will receive the car within 4 working days at the latest.

From where can I pick-up the vehicle?

You can pick up your car from any of our stations throughout Greece, while we can bring it to your door, for an additional fee.

If the car you chose is not available in the area you want, we can transport it for an additional fee with your approval.

Can I upgrade the car model at any point during the rental? Is there any cost?

Of course! All you need to do is to contact us via email stating the car model on listed on our website that you wish to upgrade. After we confirm availability, we will inform you in order to pay the subscription difference between the 2 car models.

E.g. if you are renting a vehicle with monthly rental rate of €250 and at the start of your rental you have paid a subscription fee of €500. If you want to upgrade to a vehicle with a monthly rental rate of €350, then you the extra amount you will be asked to pay is €700-€500 = €200.

What are driver’s minimum requirements to drive a Flex Drive vehicle?

The driver must:

  • Be at least 21 years old
  • Be a holder of a Greek, European of International Driving License for at least 1 year.
  • Be a holder of a credit/debit card.
Can someone else drive the vehicle, except me?

Yes, an extra driver is included in the monthly rental rate for free! You may also add additional drivers at any point of your rental with an extra charge.

Please note that all extra drivers must be at least 21 years old and have a a Greek, European of International Driving License for at least 1 year.

Is the vehicle am getting new or used?

All available vehicles are slighty used, no more than 3 years old and all have passed our 19-point technical inspection before the rental.

How can I schedule a service?

Please contact our nearest Hertz location in order to inform you how you can schedule your car service.

Where can I schedule a monthly technical inspection and car wash free of charge?

You can have them done once per month during your rental period at one of our garages in Athens, Thessaloniki, or Heraklion, Crete.

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